HDD for Carbon Capture Storage in Norway
Visser & Smit Hanab has completed a project to facilitate storage of Carbon Dioxide underground in Norway. At the receiving terminal, our 250 ton rig was setup with specialized tools to drill through the granite bedrock. Here, we make the connection between the land and sea sections for the Carbon Dioxide pipeline. A relatively small, but crucial link in the project. This has been completed by means of directional drilling, or so-called HDD, where we start on land and end the drilling deep below the surface of the fjord.
HDD Mongstad
Statoil ASA developed a new oil field in the North Sea. A new pipeline is needed to transport the crude oil to the refinery. Part of this is the landfall to Statoil's Refinery in Mongstad, Norway, through which a directional drilling (HDD) is made through the extremely hard granite rocks. Together with the customer and international specialists, Visser & Smit Hanab has found a robust solution for this unique situation.
Elia Antwerp
2 HDDs performed near the Zandvliet and Berendrecht locks in Antwerp. The drillings are part of a cable route of 10 km in total for a reinforcement of 2x 150 kV between two Elia switching stations. The bores were made to pass the aforementioned lock complex.

HDD - Heronbridge Pipeline Duplication Scheme
In order to maintain their supply of raw water to Sutton Hall Water Treatment Works, United Utilities (UU) required LiMA, (a Laing O'Rourke, Imtech and Atkins) AMP6 partnership to install an 800mm polyethylene (PE) pipe under the A483, which is one of the busiest roads leading in to Chester city center.

HDD - Heating Network Stora Enso (B)
Construction of a heating pipe that transports waste heat from the Stora Enso paper manufactury to car manufacturer Volvo. This pipeline has a length of 3,4 kilometres and includes a horizontal directional drilling of 450 metres under the Ghent -Terneuzen channel. TV-report of the AVS (Eastern Flanders Television).

HDD - Arc drilling Strijen
PPS (Petrochemical Pipeline Services) undertook a major maintenance project on the Pipeline Rotterdam-Beek (PRB). Visser & Smit Hanab was awarded the contract to carry out repair and replacement work at various locations, for the purpose of which ‘arc-drilling’ was undertaken in Strijen. Click HERE to read more about this project.

HDD - Arc drilling Moerkapelle
Visser & Smit Hanab conducted a gas pipeline from Beverwijk to Wijngaarden for Gasunie NV. Therefore the Moerkapelle Ringvaart canal had to be crossed. This crossing would initially be implemented through a closed front drilling with a length of 33 meters. However, it would be complicated concerning to water resources, intersection of four existing sheet piling, crossing existing road and crosses or rerouting existing cables and pipelines. Visser and Smit Hanab has therefore proposed to perform the intersection at an alternative, rather unique way, namely with an 'arc-drilling' (length 172 meters). Click HERE for more information about this project.

HDD - Arc drilling Moerkapelle (clip)
Visser & Smit Hanab conducted a gas pipeline from Beverwijk to Wijngaarden for Gasunie NV. Therefore the Moerkapelle Ringvaart canal had to be crossed. This crossing would initially be implemented through a closed front drilling with a length of 33 meters. However, it would be complicated concerning to water resources, intersection of four existing sheet piling, crossing existing road and crosses or rerouting existing cables and pipelines. Visser and Smit Hanab has therefore proposed to perform the intersection at an alternative, rather unique way, namely with an 'arc-drilling' (length 172 meters). Click HERE for more information about this project.

HDD - Districtheating Rotterdam
Timelapse movie about the new heat pipeline between the Rotterdam harbor and the city centre. This movie shares the complexity of the horizontal directional drilling and the transport of the 1500 meter pipeline. At the same time, it is a tribute to the amazing skylines, the energy of the down town area and the patience of the people of Rotterdam. Click HERE for more information about this project.

HDD - Districtheating Rotterdam, drilling Katendrecht
In March 2013, Visser & Smit Hanab realised a spectacular drilling project in the densely populated city centre of Rotterdam. The project challenges included over 1,500 metres of drilling, an angular displacement of 60 degrees and a depth of 60 m below sea level. Click HERE to read more about this project.

HDD - Haringvliet crossing
Engineering firm Joulz is currently constructed a new high-voltage connection between Middelharnis and Geervliet, commissioned by Stedin. The 18-kilometre-long connection is part of improvement works to the electricity grid on Goeree-Overflakkee. The connection runs under the Haringvliet, which is around 5 kilometres wide. Visser & Smit Hanab installed two series of casing tubes with a length of 2.5 kilometres, which were connected at the halfway point. The sections were joined together on opposite sides of the Haringvliet at Middelharnis and Zuidland. 126 sections of 20 metres - an impressive length. Click HERE for more information about this project.

HDD - IJ-crossing Amsterdam
Due to the construction of a new sewage treatment plant in Amsterdam, the present sewerage system was extended with a 49-km long pressurized sewage pipeline to transport the wastewater to the new treatment plant. The final piece in this gigantic project, which has become known as the “A4-project”, was a borehole drilled horizontally under the IJ. Visser & Smit Hanab carried out the drilling and the laying of the connected pipe sections.

HDD - Installation gaspipeline under Westerschelde
By means of two horizontal directional drillings of 1,350 metres and 1,450 metres, Visser & Smit Hanab installed a 48" gas pipeline under the Western Scheldt (river, which flows directly into the North Sea) for the 'Nederlandse Gasunie'. In particular, the artificial island in the Western Scheldt where the 450 ton drill rig was set, is unique. The gas pipeline is part of the nationwide expansion of the main 48" transport pipeline of Gasunie, the North-South Route. The Western Scheldt Crossing between Ossendrecht (NL) and Zelzate (B) is part of the Wijngaarden - Zelzate section. Click HERE for more information about this project.

HDD - Pipeline connection for refinery extension Suriname
Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. commissioned Visser & Smit Hanab to create a pipeline connection between the SOL storage station in Beekhuizen and Staatsolie's new refinery on Sir Winston Churchillweg in Paramaribo. The work carried out by Visser & Smit Hanab forms part of the extension of the refinery belonging to Staatsolie in Paramaribo. Click HERE for more information about this project.

HDD - Soft water for Zwijndrecht
In order to provide Zwijndrecht and the eastern areas of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht with soft water a new drinking water connection had to be constructed between Dordrecht and Zwijndrecht. To do so the Oude Maas river had to be crossed. Click HERE for more information about this project.