6 HDD landfalls together with VolkerTrenchless Solutions
Visser & Smit Hanab, which forms part of the joint venture “ Volker Trenchless Solutions” (VTS) with VolkerStevin, successfully completed 6 x 650 metre long Horizontal Directional Drillings (HDD’s) landfalls at Chilling on the Southern Coast of England.
The HDD landfalls were executed on behalf of Prysmian as a part of the IFA2 interconnector project. The IFA2 project has been developed by National Grid in the UK and RTE in France. Once complete it will link the power grids between France and the UK, improving consumers‘ access to low carbon energy in both countries.
Visser & Smit Hanab initially utilised one 250 tonne drilling rig, located 100 metres inland of the cliff face. Each of the six drillings extended some 550 metres out to sea exiting on the seabed, allowing the 450mm ducts to be safely installed.
Due to the limited time to execute the project due to environmental restraints, a second 250 tonne rig was mobilised midway through the project to ensure the completion date of the project was maintained. During the latter stages of the project both rigs were working simultaneously.
In addition to executing the HDD's, VolkerTrenchless Solutions provided a complete solution for the works which included detailed engineering, civil works, offshore support and supply of the 650 metre long specialist ducts which will permanently protect the future power cables as they come ashore.
This project highlights our drilling capabilities as a leading HDD drilling contractor specialising in underground drilling solutions with a focus on landfalls, outfalls and shore approaches.